
Full Name Sivaraman Rajaganapathy


  • 2023
    PhD in Electrical Engineering with Computer Science Minor
    University of Minnesota, Twin-Cities
  • 2013
    Master of Technology in Systems & Control Engineering
    Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
  • 2011
    Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering
    Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

Professional Experience

  • MAR 2023 - Present
    Research Fellow
    Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
    • Optimized Treatment Regimen ':'' Mentored intern to develop an algorithm that can optimize the Alzheimer's disease treatment regimen at the level of junior physicians.
    • Automated Clinical Synopsis ':' Developed strategy and language model for the synthesis of cancer synoptic reports from clinical notes to reduce physician burden.
    • Alzheimer's Disease Prediction ':' Developing smart models to detect Alzheimer's Disease using multi-modal lab tests, cognitive assessments, and clinical observations.
    • Clinical Trial Emulation ':' Working with cross-functional team to design tool for emulating heart-failure drug efficacy clinical trials in a state-of-the-art AI cloud-based platform.
  • JUN 2021 - AUG 2021
    Research Intern
    Boston Scientific Inc., Arden Hills, MN
    • Deep Learning Performance Analysis : Identified limitations in the training data-set that lead to the prediction errors
    • Data Augmentation ':' Created methods to augment limited training data for improved machine learning model performance
  • JUN 2019 - AUG 2019
    Research Intern
    Boston Scientific Inc., Arden Hills, MN
    • Rhythm Classification : Developed deep learning models to classify electrocardiograms from implantable devices
    • Deep Learning Automation : Built framework for hyper-parameter search (model optimization) and for using unlabeled data